Rockford Peaches

Where in Rockford, IL can you visit to experience the same sites and sounds the Peaches experienced in the 1940’s and 50’s in their twelve year run as champions in the All American Girls Professional Baseball League?
Project Overview


Rockford Area Convention and Visitors Bureau



The Challenge

Time Travel

With the release of the Amazon series “A League Of Their Own” just a few months away, a website was needed in short notice to promote the Peaches Fan Trail – A map of locations visitors could travel to experience the locations common to the Peaches story. The only problem was, there was no current established fan trail, and only one month to create both the fan trail and the website to promote the trail.
The Solution

An Award Winning Website

Lightwave Creative went into high gear meeting with and doing research at Midway Village Museum which houses the Peaches exhibit, and stores many memorabilia including endless newspaper clippings, images, programs, letters, and even a video of the peaches playing ball. Enough information was gathered to tell the Peaches story on the website, and promote a map of locations for visitors to get a glimpse into the life of a Rockford Peach. Lightwave then conducted photo shoots of items owned by the players as well as location shoots for the fan trail. Old photos were scanned from the museum, and then colorized to bring the new website to life. Within one month, Lightwave created the Peaches Fan Trail and website was completed promoting the trail in time for the release of the Amazon series.

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